The registration process for pre-registered freshmen and returning students is online via Skyward Family Access.

** New students, excluding pre-registered freshmen, must make an appointment with Student Services by calling 618-548-0727.**

The information and forms below may be printed and/or completed by hand.

  • IHSA Physical Form
  • Wildcat Athletic Packet

    The Wildcat Code for athletes is part of the student handbook. It can be viewed and printed from the school's web page. SCHS requires a student's parent or legal guardian and the student to acknowledge annually as part of online registration that they have access to a copy of the school's handbook and understand that the student must abide by the rules.


Please contact the school if you have any questions.

Office Summer Hours
Monday - Thursday
8:00 AM - 3:30 PM


(excluding pre-registered freshmen)
Must Make Appointment
with the Student Services




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