Winter Schedule

Date Opponent Game Scores
January 17 Lake Hamilton Wolves Hearthstone 3-0-W
January 17 Hoban Esports Super Samsh Bros. Ultimate 2-0-W
January 18 Kelvin Esports League of Legends 0-2-L
January 18 BHS Red Devils Super Samsh Bros. Ultimate 2-0-W
January 18 Rocky River Esports Fortnite Solos 2-0-W
January 23 Hoban Esports Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 2-0-W
January 24 Rocky River Esports Fortnite Solos 3-14-L
January 24 MOCO Bulldogs League of Legends 2-0-W
January 25 LoveJoy Highschool Hearthstone 3-0-W
January 26 MAST Esports Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 2-0-W
January 31 Syosset BraveSports Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 2-0-W
Feburary 1 Carmel eSports Hearthstone 0-2-L
Feburary 1 SAT T1 League of Legends 0-2-L
Feburary 2 Hoban eSports Smash Bros. Ultimate 2-0-W
Feburary 3 Russel Highschool Fortnite Solos Win by forfeit
Feburary 6 Hornets eSports Hearthstone 1-3-L
Feburary 7 MAST eSports Smash Bros. Ultimate 2-0-W
Feburary 6 Armwood Fortnite Solo 1-2-L
Feburary 7 Syosset BraveSports Smash Bros. Ultimate 2-0-W
Feburary 7 Syosset BraveSports League of Legends 0-2-L
Feburary 7 Syosset BraveSports League of Legends 0-2-L
Feburary 11 Halcyon Hawkers League of Legends Forfiet-W
Feburary 16 SCHS eSports Smash Bros. Ultimate 2-1-W
Feburary 16 SCHS eSports Smash Bros. Ultimate 1-2-L
Feburary 16 Carmel eSports Hearthstone 3-2-W
Feburary 18 MBHS eSports Fortnite Solos 2-0-W
Feburary 21 Tabletop League of Legends 0-2-L
Feburary 22 LTHS eSports Hearthstone 1-3-L
Feburary 23 Tabletop Samsh Bros Ultimate 0-2-L
Feburary 23 Trojans Fortnite Solos 0-2-L
Feburary 21-24 Tabletop Samsh Bros Ultimate Forfiet-W